Need to dose more than 6 ingredients? We got you covered! Now with GRADO ADROIT OTTO it is possibile to handle up to 8 materials.
Same as the standard 6 ingredients version, GRADO ADROIT OTTO is fully modular, which means that the number of ingredients can be increased in any moment (from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8) by adding more dosing stations.
The high degree of flexibility allows the blenders to perfectly adapt to the manufacturing needs even if these change over time.
In fact, the design of ADROIT Blenders itself revolves around the concept of modularity. Even in their basic configuration (2 ingredients), the blenders come already with the wiring terminals for the additional dosing stations. (DOSING STATIONS MODULARITY).
GRADO ADROIT OTTO is capable of delivering the same high performance standards, in terms of throughput and accuracy, of the 6 components version.
THROUGHPUT: Currently GRADO ADROIT OTTO is available in 4 sizes capable of delivering a througput of respectively: 200, 400, 800 and 1.300 Kg/h.
ACCURACY: thanks to the load sensing cells with high resolution electronics (24 bit – 0,004 gr), gel shock absorbers to minimize vibrations, slide gates made of a low inertia techno polymer the dosing process is extremely accurate, precise and fast.
EXTRUSION CONTROL: Thanks to the integrated gravimetric extrusion control function, especially during the line start-up, the system is capable of producing film on specs faster than manual control.

Dealing with hot materials? No problem, GRADO ADROIT OTTO is available in the HT version, specifically equipped to handle hygroscopic materials (ACCESSORIES: ADROIT HIGH TEMPERATURES VERSION).
Does your products require frequent ingredient changes? GRADO ADROIT OTTO is compatible with GRAVICLEAN, the automatic cleaning system that allows to save time during production changes and reduces materials waste.

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