Fast paced markets, constant change in customer needs. Being able to react and adapt quickly is the key to overcome all these challenges.
Adroit gravimetric blenders, thanks to their full modular configuration, allow to rapidly adapt the dosing process to sudden variations in production, in a rapid and cost-efficient way.
ADROIT Series Blenders are fully modular, which means that the number of ingredients can be increased in any moment (from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6) by adding more dosing stations.
The high degree of flexibility allows the blenders to perfectly adapt to the manufacturing needs even if these change over time.
The design of ADROIT Blenders revolves around the concept of modularity. Even in their basic configuration (2 ingredients), the blenders come already with the wiring terminals for the additional dosing stations.
Whether investing or not on a new extrusion line depends on multiple factors and often it is a very difficult decision to take.
ADROIT series, thanks to its modular configuration, lowers the financial impact on investments. The customer purchases and spends only for what is really essential for production purposes.
Later on, if it is necessary to expand the number of ingredients managed by the blender, it will be possible by simply installing one of the Doteco’s dosing station kit.

Doteco offers a complete “DO IT YOURSELF” kit for additional dosing stations, allowing the user to install new stations in complete autonomy, without commissioning or technical service fees, in less than just 4 hours.
The kit includes:
- Slide gate unit
- Ingredient hopper
- Flash memory card with pre-loaded software
- Electric wiring
- Fitting screws
- Detailed, easy and complete instructions

- Upper arm with integrated slide gate
- Ingredient hopper
- Lower arm with loading cell, dosing capsule and auger screw
- Flash memory card with pre-loaded software
- Electric wiring
- Fitting screws
- Detailed, easy and complete instructions

And in case Vacuum receivers are included, the kit also contains:
- Vacuum hopper
- Material and vacuum pipes
- Electric wires
- Fitting screws

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